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Dial-In Bridging Charges


Dial-In Pricing below includes bridging charges only.  Network transport charges, where applicable, are collected by your network access and/or transport provider(s).


Dial-In Bridging charges are the same for calls originating from US or International locations.


Bridging charges are per site dialing in to our conference center bridge.


ITU Standards 

$US 0.64 per minute    (112/128Kbps)
(H.261, H.320) $US 1.16 per minute    (336/384Kbps)



$US 0.70 per minute   (112/128Kbps)
(e.g. PT724) $US 1.10 per minute   (336/384Kbps)

*** NOTE: Charges for transport to the ATKSI Conference Center bridge are additional and may vary depending on the customer's existing network service arrangements with their network provider(s).  Contact your ATKSI Account Executive to join ATKSI videoconferencing network services.

*** NOTE: Dial-In Bridging charges may also vary based on associated discounts, either standard or contracted.  Contact your ATKSI Account Executive to verify any special pricing or discount information.

(updated 7/25/02)


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